Under the 14th amendment of our Constitution it says we do not have to have a driver's license to travel is that true. And the U.S. Constitution 14th Amendment applies these protections to the States.14th amendment protects travel, not driving. You are not being harassed, you are being subjected to the laws like the rest of us. Due process under the Ohio and United States Constitutions demands that the right to notice and an opportunity to be heard must be granted at a meaningful time. The constitutional right to interstate travel is considered a fundamental right. Participants shall comply with all reporting requirements related to SBE utilization including, but not limited to, completing online reporting. My 14th amendment rights to travel requires no drivers license I have document and provided my rights with my documents. This publication contains all up-to-date approved amendments. Department of Public Works, submitting an amendment to Contract No. 3909 (fka Contract No. 3251 and.