May I postpone or defer my attendance for jury duty? The jury bailiff shall employ procedures to randomly select jurors to be used as panels for voir dire.Anyone out there had jury duty for Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas. Received a dreaded jury duty notification moments ago. Complete the juror questionnaire on the back of the summons and return it within seven to ten days. Jurors will report first to the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Jury Commission. Visit the website of the district court where you were selected to serve to complete an online Juror Qualification Questionnaire via the federal court's eJuror. Jurors normally are asked to report at AM or other times as specified in the jury message. The typical court day is from -. The Jury Division is located at: 360 Adams Street, Room 156, in the Supreme Court Building, in Brooklyn, NY. We are open Monday through Friday, from a.