US or (216) 698-8682 and we can reset your password. I recently discovered a collection of sites offering phone numbers for verification purposes.This type of text message is a scam called smishing. Smishing is a form of phishing that involves a text message or phone number. This document will provide a guide to the rules and regulations for the preparation and approval of survey plats and legal descriptions. The county said that if you click on the link, it will take you to a fake website where it asks you to put in your Social Security and PIN. This is just a common spam scam. They want you to reply, that's when they will send you a link or something to a fake sign in. A Note on Fraud: Submission of any false information during the application process may lead to criminal prosecution, as well as automatic rejection of the. Code 2921.13(A)(7) makes it a first-degree misdemeanor to knowingly file a false disclosure statement.