The November General Election is the peak of the democratic process, where voters across the nation cast their ballots to elect political representatives. Did you know that Texas ended lifetime felony disenfranchisement in 1983?Learn more about the constitutional amendments that concern Federal voting rights, congressional elections, and presidential elections. 7 election, Harris County voters also will be asked to decide the fate of 14 proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution. Voting Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7, when Texans will be lining up to vote on 14 proposed propositions that could change the Texas Constitution. All sections refer to the Texas Election Code unless otherwise cited. Filing for Public Office in Local Political Subdivision. Dallas voters approved two measures including one requiring the hiring of 900 police officers as part of changes to the city's charter. Dallas voters approved two measures including one requiring the hiring of 900 police officers as part of changes to the city's charter.