In rare circumstances, a DWI may be "reduced" to an obstruction of highway charge even though both are legally the same level offense. If you or a loved one has been accused of obstruction or retaliation in Dallas, you are facing a felony.Call for a free consult. 214-903-4000. Obstruction of a Highway is a common conviction that many individuals try to fight for in lieu of a DWI conviction. Currently in Texas, a conviction of resisting arrest will result in a Class A misdemeanor. At Abrams Trial Law, an experienced Dallas, TX resisting arrest lawyer will represent you, evaluate your case, and put you in a position to win. Felonies are prosecuted in the district courts and include most offenses against the person and serious property offenses such as house and business burglaries. Gov;; In person, at any Dallas Police Substation or Headquarters. Compare the best Obstruction of Justice lawyers near Lake Dallas, TX today. B. Officers will not place more than three violations on one citation.