The elements of a False Imprisonment claim in Texas are: 1) willful detention; 2) without consent; and 3) without authority of law. These include things like: Assault; False Imprisonment; Fraud; Negligence; and Wrongful Death.The Defendant's complete name and address, of each person or business the Plaintiff's claim is against. If you have been the victim of false imprisonment, you can file civil and criminal charges. Contact a false imprisonment attorney today. The intentional tort of false arrest involves someone being held against their will or taken into custody without consent or a legal justification. In other words, fill out an inmate request to staff member ("copout" form) and then follow the official grievance procedure beginning with a BP-9. The District Clerk strongly urges anyone pursuing legal action in a District Court in Dallas County to consult with an attorney of his or her own choice. False imprisonment: Unjustly incarcerating someone in a prison cell is false imprisonment. False imprisonment is a common law misdemeanor and a tort.