They've screwed over a lot of people, and unfortunately there's nothing any of us can do about it. The program to reduce wildfire fuel is receiving muchneeded investment.But for 20 years, it has tracked that work with "misleading data." National Forests and Grasslands in Texas. The U.S. Forest Service manages approximately 675,000 acres of public land in Texas. The Grove on Forest Lane is an established memory care community serving Texas areas of North Dallas, Farmers Branch, Irving, Carrollton, and beyond. The U.S. Forest Service says it will pause seasonal employee hiring in the next fiscal year because of expected budget cuts. Plaintiffs allege that the Forest Service has failed to take action regarding the removal and harvesting of dead trees in the Black Hills National Forest. The 1.7 million acre Malheur National Forest is located in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon. U.S. Forest Service-Malheur National Forest.