Police have the right to come onto private property if there is a crime in progress. Police are not allowed to exceed their authority to search vehicles under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the Virginia Constitution.The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution bars law enforcement officers from conducting unreasonable searches or seizures. Because it is the Fourth Amendment standard, an officer's use of force must be objectively reasonable to be lawful. 1. Form: Fill out and submit the online Complaint Commendation Concern Form. The Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule protects the right of people to be secure in their home against unreasonable searches and seizures. You should exercise your Fourth Amendment rights, decline to give consent to the officer, simply ask for the traffic stop to be concluded and go. Just like traffic offenses and DUI cases, every single possession case involves the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. He subsequently admitted his lie and was arrested for impersonat ing a police officer. Chappell was charged in the U.S District Court for the.