The Jury Department of the Fairfax Circuit Court is located on the fifth floor of the Fairfax County Courthouse at 4110 Chain Bridge Road in Suite 503. Call the Fairfax county circuit court and the operator will most likely have options, which include jury duty.On the date indicated on your summons, call the toll-free juror information number: 1-866-224-9867. Fill out the intake form and have your login credentials sent directly to your inbox. Registration. Learn. Furthermore, the appellate court held that the erroneous jury instructions had tainted the entire verdict. Benjamin Schaefer, a Fairfax and Prince William County attorney, focuses on these sorts of offenses. The Virginia Attorney General should direct this investigation with subpoena powers and potentially empaneling a grand jury if warranted. Accordingly, prior to performing work in the field, plaintiff was required, consistent with standard operating procedures, to complete a Field Reentry Program. SUMMARY: The Fairfax School District (District) is one of several small elementary school districts in the. Fairfax County Circuit Court officials are issuing an urgent warning to residents about a surge in jury duty scams.