If you believe you have been falsely accused in your domestic violence case in Virginia, contact an experienced domestic violence lawyer. If you were wrongfully accused of household violence, call a lawyer to defend yourself against false accusations in Virginia domestic violence cases.If you are charged with a crime of domestic violence, speak at once with Fairfax domestic violence defense attorney. In more serious cases of false complaints, you could be arrested and spend time in jail. Your criminal record might be marred with stalking or harassment. The Victim Services Division assists crime victims residing in Fairfax County, Fairfax City, Town of Herndon, and Vienna. Crowley Peritz provides top-notch legal representation for domestic violence charges in Fairfax, VA. Contact us today to protect your rights. An individual who has been unlawfully arrested may also seek recovery in tort in Virginia through a claim of false imprisonment. To schedule an initial consultation to discuss your domestic violence case, call Wexell Milman at (703) 454-5448 or contact us online. Family Law Services.