Do I need an Attorney if I get arrested for a DUI? Under Florida law, Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcoholic beverages, chemical substances, or controlled substances is one offense.A DUI arrest in Florida involves an initial traffic stop, field sobriety tests, and a breathalyzer test to measure your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Step 3: Obtain a Hardship License. Hire a DUI Defense attorney if you have been arrested for drunk driving. This section will provide an overview of the steps involved in a DUI arrest, from the initial traffic stop to being taken into custody. You could also be ordered to attend drunk driving school, attend a drug and alcohol program, and be sentenced to community service. If you were arrested for drunk driving in Florida, get your basic questions answered here and then call our office for DUI defense in Fort Lauderdale. Field sobriety tests are physical tests an officer usually asks a driver suspected of DUI to complete first. St. Petersburg Attorneys Defending Drunk Driving Charges.