In the event of an appointment to fill an unexpired term, the appointment shall be for no longer than the remainder of the unexpired term. Increased reliance on authority figures, heightened alertness, psychological withdrawal, diminished self-esteem, and PTSD are some of the potential effects.A Primer on Florida Sentencing Lawwas written to augment classroom instruction of judges. If you or a loved one has been charged with false imprisonment in Orlando, FL, call Parikh Law today. We have the experience and knowledge to help you. In the course of an arrest for disorderly conduct, a noncitizen falsely claimed that he was born in Puerto Rico. Family. Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. Family law matters fall under the umbrella of Civil Court. First conviction: Imprisonment for not more than six months. The total time these exonerated people spent in prison adds up to 31,900 years.