Probable cause is a complete defense to an allegation of false imprisonment. Many of you have electronic devices such as cell phones, smartphones, tablets, and laptops.Even though you have not yet been selected as a juror,. I made a mistake, such as filing in the wrong case or submitting the wrong document. They use fraudulent phone calls, emails, or mail to inform people of a failure to appear for jury duty or that they need to verify their signature. (2) The jury received any evidence out of court, other than that resulting from an authorized view of the premises. We want to make the process as easy and transparent as possible. We've put together this quick guide so you know what to expect heading into jury service. The People's withdrawal of their case from the first grand jury presentation due to witness unavailability constituted the functional equivalent of a dismissal. Holding: The Court of Appeals concluded that it did not because no charges were brought against Davis in the first Grand Jury.