Holding someone against their will is called false imprisonment and it is against the law. If you are facing false imprisonment charges it could cost you.Under our law, a person is guilty of Unlawful Imprisonment in the Second Degree when he or she restrains another person. False imprisonment is defined as intentionally restraining someone without their consent and without legal authority. False imprisonment involves someone attempting to cause a bodily injury to another. False arrest, sometimes called false imprisonment, happens when someone wrongfully takes you into custody or holds you against your will. This is defined as false imprisonment effected without violence, menace, fraud, or deceit. A man will soon walk out of prison after spending 44 years behind bars for a crime he says he never committed. Under section 237, an element of felony false imprisonment is the defendant's "use of violence, menace, fraud, or deceit. Franklin was freed after serving 44 years for a North Philadelphia murder that he says he didn't commit.