In the wake of the war, the Congress submitted, and the States ratified, the Thirteenth. This is called the "Fugitive Slave Provision.McGuinn, a local Black attorney then residing at 1911 Division Street, observed: "Physical slavery has been abolished, but its subtler forms are still here. See generally Lash, The Second Adoption of the Free Exercise Clause: Religious Exemptions Under the Fourteenth Amendment, 88 Nw. U. L. Rev. This microfiche was produced from documents received for inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Slavery, which defined Black people as property, not as citizens, had shaped the United States since its founding. The 14th Amendment is one of the key changes to the U.S. Constitution made during Reconstruction. Additionally, many Southerners feared that the former slaves would rise up and slaughter their former masters. The 1864 constitution abolished slavery and repudiated secession but did not define the rights former slaves would enjoy. Showing 45 Guides ; Nov 19, 2024 56.