Read the complete report here: "The Constitutional Right to Reproductive Autonomy: Realizing the Promise of the 14th Amendment" The simplest answer is that Abortion Rights are mentioned nowhere in the United States Constitution of the Bill of Rights., Michele Goodwin, Involuntary Reproductive Servitude: Forced Pregnancy, Abortion, and the. It requires due process and equal protection of the law. Wade, the Supreme Court decided that the right to privacy implied in the 14th Amendment protected abortion as a fundamental right. Hmm. Well, the 14th amendment doesn't talk about abortion. Abortion out of reach for many people. Dobbs held only that the Fourteenth Amendment does not protect a right to abortion. It perhaps is not generally appreciated that the restrictive criminal abortion laws in effect in a majority of States today are of relatively recent vintage. In 1973, the Supreme Court held in Roe v.