Pretrial Services Intake Unit will complete a Public Defender Indigence Application for all felony defendants booked into the Fulton County Jail. The Corrections Division is responsible to provide a safe and secure environment that promotes positive behavior, through fair, impartial, and humane treatment.Does anyone know how long the release process typically is at Fulton county jail? A person's first court hearing is typically held within 24 hours to 48 hours after arrest. You would fill out a criminal arrest warrant application form. It is available on the website under the Criminal Forms section. Georgia law §17-6-15 provides the Sheriff the authority to establish, publish, and regulate the guidelines and rules for bonding arrested individuals. Individual applications must be completed for each person. At least 18 people have died in Fulton County's custody that we know of. These tragic deaths are not just unacceptable, they were preventable.