If you face a charge of unlawful imprisonment the prosecutor must show that the victim was actually restrained and unable to leave. How Do You Prove False Imprisonment?- Offense of false imprisonment requires proof of at least one additional fact which the offense of armed robbery does not. Plaintiff contends that the NYCTA, through its agent or employees, provided false information to the NYPD which resulted in plaintiff's arrest. When a police officer lacks probable cause to make an arrest, a plaintiff can make a false imprisonment claim based on the detention pursuant to the arrest. Example and Hypothetical Scenario. Below is an example of an Indictment from Georgia, a document that paralegals create. The only essential elements for false imprisonment are: (1) detention; and (2) the unlawfulness thereof. The process to restrict your records depends on the date of your arrest and which agency or prosecuting attorney processed your case. PL 155.35 GRAND LARCENY-3RD.