Black's Law Dictionary defines false imprisonment as "A restraint of a person in a bounded area without justification or consent. Below is an example of an Indictment from Georgia, a document that paralegals create.A conviction may be classified as wrongful for two reasons: The person convicted is factually innocent of the charges. The strength of our criminal justice system depends on its accuracy — its ability to convict the guilty and to clear the innocent. In a recent turn of events, a faulty bench warrant became the cause of an innocent driver's undeserved night in Fulton County jail. Section1001, the penalty for making false statements is a maximum sentence of up to five years in prison. Law § 296 to enforce his New York Human Rights Law rights. False imprisonment is an act punishable under criminal law as well as under tort law. Under tort law, it is classified as an intentional tort. City of Atlanta, 142 F.Supp.