American use of military force is potentially costly in terms of human life. Incorrect Answer(s) America's military is insufficient for most conflicts.Because of Washington's Farewell Address, the United States has been isolated from the world politics throughout the 20th century. False. The American Statecraft Program develops and advances ideas for a more disciplined US foreign policy aligned with American values. The topic I want to explore today is why the United States doesn't seem to be that good at foreign policy anymore. The second section of this memorandum concludes that the power of the President to repel invasion is unquestioned. Polling data suggest that false claims affected how people saw the candidates, their views about leading issues such as the economy, immigration, and crime. A brief overview of major trends regarding the foreign policy of the United States from the American Revolution to the present. One of Grant's failed initiatives in foreign policy involved the Caribbean nation of Santo Domingo (now the Dominican Republic). One of Grant's failed initiatives in foreign policy involved the Caribbean nation of Santo Domingo (now the Dominican Republic).