Therefore, the Fultons' tree cutting violated the forest management plan, justifying the property's removal from the Current Use program. Others found out on Reddit, where a letter announcing the hiring freeze from the Forest Service's Pacific Northwest region had been posted.Connect with your local Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Rural Development employees. I would say that my main issue is with hiring and HR at the moment, plus communication with leadership is not the greatest. The Forest Service's early years were a period of pioneering in practical field forestry on the national forests. The Forest Service is cutting its seasonal workforce and public lands will suffer. Employees warn that important work will go undone all over the country. The story of the national monuments and the Forest Service also needs to cover briefly the creation of national parks from national forest and BLM lands. Thank you for your commitment to conserving our forests, protecting wildlife, and ensuring a healthy environment for all. In January, the Mechanicville Police Department also caught someone with a fake inspection sticker.