How long will my license be suspended if I get a DUI? (First Offense in 5 years).While no two Georgia DUI cases are the same (because the underlying facts of each case are different), the court processes follow the same basic steps. This process begins after you are arrested for DUI when the arresting officer fills out a document called a "DDS Form 1205. After an arrest for DUI in Georgia, you will typically be required to post bail to get out of jail. However, not all judges give credit for time served. Your possible outcome could be anything from dismissal to a 48 month sentence with some jail time, a fine and other conditions. Being arrested for a DUI can be daunting for anyone. Driving under the influence is a criminal offense in the state of Georgia. Call The George McCranie Law Firm today to find out how we can help you fight your DUI charges. 1.