Georgia has some of the toughest felony sentencing laws in the country, including two-strikes laws, mandatory minimum sentences, and non-parolable offenses. Learn about mandatory DUI penalties for third DUI offenses in Georgia.Our Georgia DUI lawyers can provide guidance and protect your rights. 120 days is the minimum and 12 months is the maximum jail sentence allowed. Explore the arrest process in Georgia including the common steps in how a person moves from arrest to case dismissal or sentencing. Many courts routinely sentence 3rd offenders to 60 days to 90 days across the State. This means a higher fine and more jail time. For a third DUI in the last ten years, there is a minimum mandatory 15 days in jail. GCIC usually processes complete record restriction applications within 2-3 weeks. Georgia law requires that a person convicted of a third DUI within a ten year period to be sentenced to a minimum of 120 days of jail time.