A person convicted of false report of a crime in Georgia will be charged with a misdemeanor. Don't Pay the Price for a Crime You Didn't Commit.As discussed throughout this guidance, whether specific harassing conduct violates the law must be assessed on a casebycase basis. Clinics, group practices, and other suppliers must complete this application to enroll in the Medicare program and receive a Medicare billing number. The penalties for giving false information to the police are up to six months in jail and possible fines. In the course of an arrest for disorderly conduct, a noncitizen falsely claimed that he was born in Puerto Rico. Clinics, group practices, and other suppliers must complete this application to enroll in the Medicare program and receive a Medicare billing number. Criminal cases usually are investigated and handled separately from civil cases, even if they concern the same incident. It is to be understood that such national principles of proportionality are to be respected in the interpretation of this provision. Stay calm and do not resist or obstruct the agents or officers.