Complete the form below to report suspected tax evasion or fraud. Use this form to file a complaint with the IRS against a tax return preparer or tax preparation business.Beneficial ownership reports must be filed with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau within the US Department of Treasury. W2 forms show the income you earned the previous year and what taxes were withheld. The number makes you a withholding agent. Tax fraud is intentionally underreporting or failing to report income. §487102) requires employees to complete and submit Form G4 to their employers to have the correct state income tax withheld. §487102) requires employees to complete and submit Form G4 to their employers to have the correct state income tax withheld. Refer to glossary for more details. Failure to file your income tax return or filing a fraudulent tax return could earn you a criminal tax charge at some point.