NOTE: If you are filling out expungement forms, do NOT rely on information from records viewed online through Minnesota Court Records Online - MCRO. In a criminal case, to obtain a conviction there must be evidence proving an individual's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.Learn about the criminal justice process in Hennepin County including investigation, charging, criminal complaint, arraignment, trial, and sentencing. Search for inmates in the jail roster, find information on bail, visiting and sending money to inmates, and jail address. Jail number 612-348-5112. If probable cause is not found, the arrested person must be released immediately. Another option is to bring a Petition for Expungement in the district court where you were convicted. Hennepin County Sentencing to Service allows low-risk offenders to complete court-ordered obligations and learn new skills in lieu of jail time or fines. Step 1: Get your records—you will need your entire criminal history to complete the petition. The jail is a facility in downtown Minneapolis where people accused of a crime are held before trial.