Minnesota Withholding Tax is state income tax you as an employer take out of your employees' wages. You must file withholding tax returns with the Minnesota Department of Revenue when required.Keep a copy for your records. Note: If this form is not filled out completely, you must withhold Minnesota income tax from wages earned in. Minnesota. All nonresident alien employees must fill out two W-4 forms at the time of hire, one for Federal withholding and one for State withholding. You must withhold Wisconsin income taxes on wages of Minnesota residents working in Wisconsin. You should ask these employees to complete a Form WT-4. Community Action Partnership of Hennepin County (CAP-HC) provides FREE basic tax return preparation for 2023 tax returns to eligible individuals and families. HOW THE Tax Lien Debtor NAME LOOK-UP HANDLES names. Consider completing a new Form W-4MNP each year or when your personal or financial situation changes.