Amendment 4 maintained the existing constitutional provision that permitted a law requiring parents to be notified before a minor can receive an abortion. The amendment would effectively reinstate protections for abortion that were enshrined for a halfcentury.The proposed amendment was analyzed late in the 2023 calendar year. After this new law took effect, seven abortion clinics and one medical doctor (collectively Planned Parenthood)3 sued the State and others. It bans abortion before many people even realize they are pregnant and leaves little time to get care under Florida's two-trip requirement. The right to reproductive autonomy is deeply grounded in the US Constitution and is about much more than Roe and the right to abortion. What did the 14th amendment have to do with Roe v. Wade? A ballot proposal that would have enshrined abortion rights in the Florida Constitution failed Tuesday, giving a major political victory to Gov. Laws to revise or amend shall set out in full the revised or amended act, section, subsection or paragraph of a subsection. Out settlement agreements and file a stipulation of discontinuance.