The Clerk's Office receives the initial paperwork from the Hillsborough County Jail after a misdemeanor arrest. The Felony Department of the Clerk's office is responsible for filing, processing and maintaining records for the court system related to felony offenses.The Sheriffs Office provides arrest inquiries online for Hillsborough County. The Criminal Arrest Process in Hillsborough County includes an Investigation, Arrest, First Appearance Hearing, Arraignment, Disposition, and Trial. The Records Bureau is fully operational. Not all incidents can be filed online. This comprehensive guide is designed specifically for those facing a firsttime DUI charge in Hillsborough County. This database lists people currently in jail and includes information on their charges, bond amount, and booking photo. Orient Road Jail is used for intake and releasing inmates in Hillsborough. Orient Road Jail is used for intake and releasing inmates in Hillsborough.