The Criminal Arrest Process in Hillsborough County includes an Investigation, Arrest, First Appearance Hearing, Arraignment, Disposition, and Trial. The Clerk's Office receives the initial paperwork from the Hillsborough County Jail after a felony arrest.If a defendant is arrested and unable to post bond, he or she is entitled to appear before a judge within 24 hours. According to federal law, for an off ense to be a felony it must have a possible sentence in excess of one year. You have been arrested for a felony, and likely the first question you have is "will I go to jail"? Or worse yet "will I go to prison"? Nevertheless, the court retains the authority to impose a jail sentence of up to six months. Frequently, rather than send a person convicted of crime to jail or prison, Florida judges will sentence a person to serve a term of probation. What Makes Up a Score Sheet? A jury trial for a Hillsborough County man accused of illegally voting in the 2020 election began Tuesday morning.