All other records-to obtain an Investigative report, CAD report or Arrest records please call or email for specific instructions. Filing a false police report is a crime.To file a Hillsborough County police report in person, individuals can contact the nonemergency number at (813) 2478200. Victim of a false arrest? Our top-rated false arrest lawyers in NYC have a proven track record of defending the wrongfully accused. Anyone can sue, the question is whether there are sufficient grounds, damages, and a chance of winning. Schedule a free consultation if you believe your rights were violated. Attorney for petit theft, retail theft, or shoplifting in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, often listed as Petit Theft (Thef1011). A claim for false arrest accrues on the day of a plaintiff's arrest. In Count 4, Plaintiff asserts a wrongful arrest or false arrest claim under.