The Criminal Arrest Process in Hillsborough County includes an Investigation, Arrest, First Appearance Hearing, Arraignment, Disposition, and Trial. Punishment can range from incarceration in a correctional facility to the death penalty.Out-of-custody defendants accepting a term of incarceration must appear in person for their plea. If a defendant is arrested and unable to post bond, he or she is entitled to appear before a judge within 24 hours. The Sheriffs Office provides arrest inquiries online for Hillsborough County. You have been arrested for a felony, and likely the first question you have is "will I go to jail"? Or worse yet "will I go to prison"? Nevertheless, the court retains the authority to impose a jail sentence of up to six months. For a formal response complete the Page Enhancement Request form. The main difference between the two is that false arrest requires an arrest, but, false imprisonment only requires unlawful detention.