The 2024 Florida TaxWatch Voter Guide provides detailed information on six proposed amendments appearing on the November 5, 2024 ballot. Proposed Hillsborough County and City of Tampa referendums require majority approval from voters to pass.Regardless of how a measure makes it to the ballot, all amendments require a 60 percent voting majority to pass. More than 11,000 amendments to the Constitution of the United States have been proposed, but only 27 have been ratified. Florida Amendment 2 was on the ballot as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment in Florida on November 5, 1946. A list of constitutional amendments or initiatives that are actively seeking ballot position for the next regularly scheduled general election. Eleventh Amendment Explained: The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity. Four more amendments will tackle the subjects of making school board elections partisan, enshrining the right to hunt and fish in the state constitution. Below, we have outlined what each amendment would do, why supporters back the amendment, and why detractors oppose it. Amendments to the Constitution.