The idea stated in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments that every person involved in a legal dispute is entitled to a fair hearing or trial. The Part G Plan provides for the annexation of approximately.There are seven proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution up for a vote, as well as five City of Houston bond proposals. Understand the Texas Constitutional Amendments that will be on your ballot so that you can feel prepared and confident at the voting booth! The Sixth Amendment gives you the right to have a public trial, with a jury of your peers passing judgment. This amendment was introduced as House Joint Resolution 2 on July 10, 2023, in the second special legislative session. 5, 808.1, 808.3.4,. 808.3. The Texas Capitol at sunrise on Tuesday, June 6, in Austin, Texas. In a nutshell… 4th Amendment: Covers freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures and requirement of a warrant. You can pick up a copy of the proposed amendment at Southeast Health locations or view it here.