If a party withdraws the jury demand, the case will remain on the jury docket unless all other parties agree to try the case without a jury. It protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.The County Civil Courts Department serves as the clerks for the four statutory County Civil Courts at Law in Harris County. The Seventh Amendment requires that the civil jury trial right be "preserved" in "Suits at common law. The Seventh Amendment to the Constitution requires jury trials in federal civil cases but has never been formally required in state civil trials. That the case is no longer pending on appeal or in the trial court. I want to learn about civil litigation in Texas. Footnotes on filings are accepted. Footnotes on filings are accepted. — The language of the Fourteenth Amendment requires the provision of due process when an interest in one's "life, liberty or property" is threatened.