Texas has four levels of felonies. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and State Jail.Prison time: A conviction for a third DWI will result in a minimum prison sentence of two years and a maximum of ten years in prison (not a county jail). When a judgment and sentence have been rendered against a defendant in the defendant's absence, the court may order a capias issued for the defendant's arrest. Minimum of 180 days up to two years in state jail;; Driver's license suspended for 180 days;; DWI school; or; Installation of ignition interlock device. Could I be arrested if there's a warrant out for me on a class C misdemeanor? Up to 180 days in jail as a condition of probation. Collateral Consequences of a Texas DWI Conviction. 2) Verify that the name of the offense, statute of the offense, degree of the offense, and length of the prison sentence are consistent. Penalties for a 3rd DWI.