A look at how we might defend a person falsely accused of DWI in Houston. Questions? Call Houston DWI Lawyer Tad A. Nelson at 281-502-2122.Experienced Houston criminal defense attorney Matthew D. Sharp knows what it takes to keep your reputation and freedom intact after a DWI charge. I was arrested for DUI and I registered 00 on the breathalyzer and no other evidence was found. Can I sue the state highway patrol for false arrest? The Financial Crimes Unit of the Houston Police Department recommends you contact the Teleserve Unit (713-884-3131) to file a report. Contact Houston DWI Attorney Ed Chernoff Today at 713-909-7827. Contact Houston DWI Attorney Ed Chernoff Today at 713-909-7827. Any of these factors can lead to a poor performance that could cause someone to be arrested under false pretenses. Wondering about the booking process after a DWI arrest?