National Forests and Grasslands in Texas. The U.S. Forest Service manages approximately 675,000 acres of public land in Texas.The State of Texas sued the United States Forest Service to force compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Crews of 3-5 will spend their season performing prescribed burn activities and restoration projects within Angelina-Sabine and Sam Houston National Forests. Third challenge to environmental review of Houston South Vegetation Management and Restoration Project in the Hoosier National Forest. It proved an effective recruitment tool for filling out the ranks of the future Forest Service. The first national forest was established as the Yellowstone Park Timber and Land Reserve on March 30, 1891, then in the Department of the Interior. These services are for people with low to moderate incomes. This fund provides support to Carleton students pursuing research opportunities in the sciences. Languages. English. Native or bilingual proficiency. French.