Criminal defense attorney Brian Polinske explains how the Illinois criminal charge process works if you've recently been charged with a misdemeanor. The Illinois State Police (ISP) will, when necessary to comply with the Illinois Compiled Statutes, submit an Arrest.â–» The petition must be filed in the county where the offense took place. I have had a warrant out for my arrest for 2 years almost on the dot. What information do I need from my criminal record? The basic rights of a citizen under arrest are stated in the Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments of the "Bill of Rights" of the United States Constitution. The arrest- ing officer shall complete the form or ticket and, within 48 hours after the arrest, shall transmit the portions entitled "Complaint" and, where. Trial; Sentencing and appeals. Here's a closer look at each. When you're arrested and charged, if your case is a misdemeanor, the complaint, up on top, will say misdemeanor complaint.