Here's how it works. Scammers target people who post things for sale on sites like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace.If the scammer enters the code on the signup page, and the personal number used qualifies, Google issues a Google Voice number to the scammer. To completely avoid a Google Voice verification scam, only do business in person with verified funds. Take your time while selling items online. The scam where you tell them the verification code that gets sent to your number? Fraudsters will sign their targets up for Google Voice to access their verification code and hijack the account and personal information. To prevent unwanted access to your account, it's important you don't reply to any requests for your verification code. Enter in your current email address or username and select a security option to verify your identity (SMS, Voice Call, or Email). Spoofing and phishing are schemes aimed at tricking you into providing sensitive information—like your password or bank PIN—to scammers.