I am an out-of-state laboratory. Do I need an Illinois CLIA laboratory certificate or permit to receive and test specimens in my state?False-positive results​​ False-positive drug screens are commonly documented in case reports. In Illinois, there is no penalty for guessing on the Nurse Aide Competency Exam. It is an advantage to fill in an answer for each question. These crimes are usually committed for personal or financial gain and often involve tricking people into believing something that is not true. Here, our Illinois DUI lawyers will discuss urine tests and how we could protect your rights if you've been charged with DUI. It's against the law in Illinois to possess, manufacture or sell substances or methods that help people cheat on drug tests. The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) assessments will be administered in either computer-based testing (CBT) or paper-based testing (PBT) formats. In Illinois, employees have privacy rights, and employers must obtain written consent before conducting drug tests.