You can submit a report online at oig.ssa. Gov or contact the OIG's fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271.In most cases they do get caught. OIG may use to investigate alleged fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct related to SSA programs and operations. If you previously obtained a driver's license or ID under a false social security number or identity, contact us to discuss your case. The bad news is that if the fake SSN he's been using actually belongs to a US citizen then USCIS usually consider that to be a false claim of US citizenship. This affidavit is for victims of identity theft. To avoid delays do not use this form if you have already filed a Form 14039 for this incident. The bad news is that if the fake SSN he's been using actually belongs to a US citizen then USCIS usually consider that to be a false claim of US citizenship. At application, or when adding a person to a case, ask each person to provide a Social Security Number (SSN).