Video of King Harris discussing a recent arrest surfaced on social media, prompting fans to reach out to TI and wife Tiny Harris. King Harris, the son of music industry legends T.I. and Tiny, has recently sparked a lot of debate online after being arrested.Your misfortunes are cruel, but His Majesty the Emperor and King desires to arrest their course. 8. 5. In a plea agreement, King pleaded guilty to the robbery charge and the other charges were dropped. T.I.'s son Clifford "King" Harris Jr. was arrested earlier this week in Georgia. T.I., King Harris, arrested in Georgia on failure to appear warrants after almost crahsing into a cop car. Mom Received 5YearSentence After Falsifying Son's School District and Twice Selling Drugs. Highly doubt this pos filled out an incident. Thinks he can just use force and sweep it under the rug. Please call (888) 748-5464 or (888) 748-KING, or fill out our contact form to schedule a comprehensive consultation.