The Kings County Clerk's Office has provided a form, on the back of this letter, to simplify your work and satisfy the law's requirements. These fake NEFs look like they are coming from the Court's electronic filings system.Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. Pro-tip if you get a summons: defer it until Thanksgiving week - only 3 days to show and very few juries are impaneled. Thus, the purpose of this work, Pattern Criminal Instructions for Criminal. " This means the court you were summoned to no longer requires jurors. Committee and is intended as a guide for judges and attorneys in constructing. In the legal jurisdiction of England and Wales, there is a long tradition of jury trial that has evolved over centuries. They fill out an information sheet. In White8 the judge had provided the jury with written directions but did not read one of the directions out to them.