Fill out the contact form or call us at 212.312. The NYPD has prepared important information on the criminal justice process in New York City so you can become more familiar with many procedures.The arrest for one does not preclude being charged in a criminal court with other crimes. Most people who receive a summons are not arrested and fingerprinted unless they fail to show identification. You can get information about current criminal court cases in New York City, Nassau and Suffolk Counties, the County Courts in the Ninth Judicial District. The three red "battery" LEDs indicate the level of charge that the controller is seeing in the battery. The term means the warrantles taking of another into physical custody and detaining the person against his or her will under threat of force. King was charged with battery and pleaded "no contest. " He was placed on probation and ordered to obtain counseling. In a plea agreement, King pleaded guilty to the robbery charge and the other charges were dropped.