You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope. I just got the dreaded summons to jury duty for Wednesday.Make note of the Judge's name, courtroom and time you are to report and name of the case. Here are some tips and memories to get you through, or out of your civic duty, which as your summons guffaws at you, "is as important as paying taxes." Discover how to navigate jury duty with ease using realistic fake jury duty letters and notes. In this blog post, I share an account of my firsttime experience with jury duty service, which happened to take place in New York City. Just contact them at the number shown on your jury summons, and explain what happened. The. Kings County Clerk's Office has provided a form, on the back of this letter, to simplify your work and satisfy the law's requirements. You may choose to fill out the Online Qualification Questionnaire instead. Please be sure to answer every question.