Don't click on that phishing link. Best you can do is report to your bank, whatever means you paid, the social media that the scambag initially contacted you on and the police.Jason Momoa has been tapped to play Lobo in 'Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow,' Deadline has confirmed. Many Christians seem to have become convinced that Christ, despite his omnipotence and omnipresence, has gone missing from our schools. It looks like JavaScript is not enabled in your browser. Reload. The idea is that the story of the United States is a story of progress, often painful or slow and sometimes stalled but always moving in one direction. Fake news or information disorder is false or misleading information claiming the aesthetics and legitimacy of news. If you have a job-related query, please fill out the form below, and we will get back to you. Christian Coleman, Fred Kerley, Kyree King and Courtney Lindsey made up the squad in the opening round. Peter: "Few of us ever test our powers of deduction, except when filling out an income tax form.