This measure would change the City Charter to establish an Independent Redistricting Commission to: •. You do not want the City Charter to be amended to make the changes described above related to City administration and operations.Rights of the Accused. 4, 5, 6, 8 amendments protecting people charged with crimes ; accused. Amends the California Constitution to remove current provision that allows jails and prisons to impose involuntary servitude to punish crime (i.e. The first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, were passed in 1789. Below is the original text of the twenty-seven amendments to the Constitution. The Election Division has prepared this brief summary of the various petition processes and the requirements for filing petitions. The amendment repealed Proposition 8 (2008), which had defined marriage in the state constitution as between one man and one woman. California Proposition 3, Right to Marry and Repeal Proposition 8 Amendment (2024) ; Election date.