Students have the right to challenge the seizure and seek the return of their property, particularly if it was taken without proper cause. The law on search and seizure for school officials has been evolving independently of the rules that govern the Fourth Amendment for police and other law-.Why is the 4th Amendment not applicable to public schools, but applicable to jails and prisons? Q: Can a school district demand that an employee or student return a districtowned electronic device? Situating CPS home searches within the traditional Fourth Amendment warrant and probable cause framework addresses three shortcomings in the literature. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government from conducting unreasonable searches and seizures. Los Angeles, California 90015. Candice Gliksberg, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. Explain that today we will be really focusing in on what the word "search" means in the Fourth Amendment context. " This section of the Fourth Amendment was most prominently highlighted in a pair of 20th century Supreme Court decisions.