Yes there are repercussions and there is a financial hardship waiver on the application. Form Name, Form ID, Revised Date, Fillable, Mandatory.This Juror Questionnaire is an optional form and is NOT intended to constitute the complete examination of prospective jurors. They said that a subpoena had been signed on Dec 5th that I was to appear in front of a judge for not appearing for jury duty and I had not shown up. Most Judicial Council forms are "fillable" and can be downloaded to a local computer and filled out. You can certainly notify the jury administrator of the error, and see if the decision made will be reconsidered. How often must I serve? In the County of San Bernardino, once a person has served as a juror, they are exempt from further jury service for 12 months. Thank you for laying it out in a simple and understandable form (not joking). California. Form. Form Number. Format. From.